Thursday, June 30, 2016

Wave & Pooling System - Assault On Isegran!

Wet Fire Games:
  A rather basic prototype of the game will be released in August! It will provide you a sense of the foundational game play but will not contain all of the planned features.

Assault on Isegran
  A timed wave/pooling system is now 90% complete. Currently it allows multiple spawn points around the village, spawning enemies at different times with optional Boss spawns during each wave. The system will be completed in the next couple days so stay tuned for our August update!

Game Mechanics:
 Killing enemies now rewards exp, health, and score.

Graphical User Interface:
 The new GUI is now tied to exp, health, and score.

Steam Greenlight:
 My primary focus. Development time heavily geared towards a demo for Greenlight release.

Character Renderings:
 Here is a high quality rendering done by noted industry veteran Adam Sacco. His work has been also seen in Halo 5.


 I've been adjusting to have a different look and feel, please keep in mind that it is still in development. Random project status updates and other AOI media can be found living there.

As always you can follow us on indiedb, Twitter, Facebook and Google+ to keep up to date with our latest developments. Also you can visit which currently is a bit outdated but will be updated before the Greenlight release.

Demo On Route - Assault On Isegran!

Wet Fire Games:
  Hate to sound like a broken record, but a Demo is almost available! This isn't the most exciting GIF but hang in there with us, I have some combat ones to share soon.

 Configuring enemy wave timing over the network.

Game Mechanics:
 Working on the enemy wave mechanic for timed spawning, quantity, variety and even rewarding exp, currency, and score.

Steam Greenlight:
 My primary focus. Development time heavily geared towards a demo for Greenlight release.

Character Renderings:
 Here is a high quality rendering done by noted industry veteran Adam Sacco. His work has been also seen in Halo 5.

Assault on Isegran
 I've been adjusting to have a different look and feel, please keep in mind that it is still in development. Random project status updates and other AOI media can be found living there.

As always you can follow us on indiedb, Twitter, Facebook and Google+ to keep up to date with our latest developments. Also you can visit which currently is a bit outdated but will be updated before the Greenlight release.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Aiming for Greenlight

Wet Fire Games:
  A Demo is almost available. To keep the blog more interesting I will be including some in game GIF files so you can see small captures of game-play. Also We did start putting a page together on you can check out out here:

Assault on Isegran
 Currently the AI and combat system mechanics are working over the network. Although they are not perfect this will serve as a acceptable demo.

Game Mechanics:
 A wave system is in place which keeps track of how many enemies are spawned. The enemy wave mechanic allows for timed spawning, quantity, variety and even rewarding exp, currency, and score.

Steam Greenlight:
 As the primary focus, development time heavily geared towards a demo for Greenlight release. I will be listing the objectives and tasks leading up to the release either on the blog or something like Trello but I haven't quite decided yet. Please feel free to comment with any feedback you may have on sharing that type of information.Here is our Archer character in her new poster image.

Concept Art:
 Here is our Archer character in her new poster image.


 You can visit but please keep in mind that it is still in development. Random project status updates and other AOI media can be found living there.

As always you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ to keep up to date with our latest developments. Also you can visit which currently is a bit outdated but will be updated before the Greenlight release.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

April Fools got time for Game Dev

Wet Fire Games:
  Its April and we gearing up to release a Demo as soon as possible. A new combat system is now in place and a more robust AI is taking form. To keep the blog more interesting I try to start including some in game GIF files so you can see small captures of game-play.

 Working to setup the new animations, AI, and combat system mechanics on the network. We are sure once these are implemented that a demo will be released.

Game Mechanics:

 Melee Combat, so crucial and important. With this in mind the old RPG system was replaced. Now combat mechanics feel more comfortable. The controls handle similar to Skyrim, The Witcher3, or Dark Souls.

Steam Greenlight:

 Our last post in January talked about Greenlight and I am devoted to get something out as soon as possible. The game play is feeling more rounded and an early prototype multiplayer experience is the number one focus.

Concept Art: New Character!

 As you may have noticed we have changed our characters backgrounds and made nice little poster looking image for our characters. Here is our Mage with his new background and game logo.


 You can visit but please keep in mind that it is still in development. Random project status updates and other AOI media can be found living there.

As always you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ to keep up to date with our latest developments. If you prefer visiting the website, please continue using until our new site,, launches in the coming months!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

New year progress!

Wet Fire Games:

 The month has gone by quite fast and much of the development was spent on flushing out bugs, combat system, and the first map environment. Additionally there were some features of Unity 5 that needed to be learned including a more in depth knowledge of Atmospheric Scattering and Global Illumination.

 So far so good, there will likely be many optimizations as the project continues. The goal is to work mostly from the prototype as it is until the existing game mechanics have been further developed out.

Game Mechanics:

 Spells: Added a new spell for the mage, Whirling Wind Projectile.
Attacking: Working on new casting system that is less RPG like in nature. Currently skills are dropped into skill hot bar and then clicked from there. This new system does not require drag and drop of skills and will serve better for testing game pad support.

Steam Greenlight:

 With great excitement I would like to start mentioning the consideration for releasing a steam greenlight page. Many developers recommend getting the community involved with a game project as early in the process as possible so our intention is to do just that. Within the next couple months I will work towards a more rounded game for an early access multiplayer experience and release the prototype on the future greenlight page. More details to come next month!

Concept Art: New Character!

 Check out the Priestess Concept! The thought behind the Priestess character was kept simple with basic information about the character, i.e. Female, Warrior, Medieval fantasy, Nordic Influences (Viking age), Kind & cheerful Personality yet battle hardened. From this information the Priestess took shape into our newly rendered character concept shown below.


 You can visit but please keep in mind that it is still in development. Random project status updates and other AOI media can be found living there.

As always you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ to keep up to date with our latest developments. If you prefer visiting the website, please continue using until our new site,, launches in the coming months!