Monday, November 30, 2015

I'm back! And were going into the cloud!

I'm back and pumped to start working on Assault On Isegran (AOI) once again!

Wet Fire Games: Were a real company now!

 I'm excited to announce that we are now Wet Fire Games, LLC. This really doesn't change much of anything for the time alloted to the project, its mostly for tax purposes down the road.

Networking:  Into the Cloud!

 Huge News, the project is moving into the Photon Unity Networing cloud of goodness! There are so many benefits to doing this as a small indie that it was not hard to compare and contrast against our current Raknet implementation (Unity discontinued updates). Essentially with Photon we don't have to manage the backend server anymore to get users connected with each other. Multiple market solutions were considered but I found they were lacking an active community, not fully flushed out, too complicated, or too time consuming.

Thankfully Photon has been continually updating and providing support to the community for Unity and many successful indie games have been released, you can check them out here. Over time many photon networking examples have poped up and with quite a large community the transition should be realtively painless for AOI.

Previously in our June 2015 post, I wrote about Unity's networking solution UNET. This was the logical next-step for AOI. However as I tested implementation of UNET and watched the community attempt to embrace it, I found UNET still early in development and not quite the ready-to-go solution at this time for AOI.

Concept Art: New Character!

 Check out the Archer Concept! The thought behind the Archer character was kept simple with basic information about the character, i.e. Female, Archer, Medieval fantasy, Nordic Influences (Viking age), Tough Personality, Slender in appearance but muscular. From this information the Archer took shape into our newly rendered character concept shown below.

Website: Finally Up!

 You can visit but please keep in mind that it is still in development. Random project status updates and other AOI media can be found living there.

As always you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ to keep up to date with our latest developments. If you prefer visiting the website, please continue using until our new site,, launches in the coming months!

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